Macrame Spiral Stitch Knot

Macrame Spiral Stitch Knot

  • Hang two cords onto your ring or dowel using the larks head knot.( see previous tutorial ) This will leave you with four hanging cords in total, two middle ones are anchor cords and two side ones are tying cords.
  • Take the right tying cord and pass it under the anchor cords and above the left tying cord.
  • Pass the left tying cord above the anchor cords and through the loop formed by the right tying cord.
  • Pull on both tying cords to tighten the knot , you completed right half square knot.
  • Spiral Knot is basically two right half square knots. Take the right tying cord and pass it under the anchor cords and above the left tying cord.
spiral 1
  • Pass the left tying cord above the anchor cords and through the loop formed by the right tying cord. Pull on both tying cords to tighten the knot. 
spiral 2

2 Spiral Knots

spiral 3

3 Spiral Knots

spiral 4

How to make Macrame Knots

SquareKnot 5
SquareKnot 5
spiral 5
spiral 5
Double Half Hitch
DoubleHalfHitch 6


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